Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Name that bug and other outdoor work . . .


Although the spot on this bug looks orange, I swear it was read when I saw it fly.  The top one was about 2 inches long, so does anyone know if this is a danger?  Or harmless?  We've never seen it here before.  Best guess they are Mydas flies, but can't be certain.

It's been a horrible rodent/bug year for us.  The mole chasing windmill is keeping the moles away from the garden, but I had to order another windmill for the front of the property.  The moles have dug tunnels all over my front flower beds (grr!).

It was a beautiful sight to watch the plethora of lightning bugs last night.  I don't think I have stayed up, or stayed outside that long in a long, long time.

I spent a good part of the day tying up the tomato plants.  Good grief!  Some of them I tied up the day prior already needed more tying up.  They are growing crazy this year, however we did not get any rain last night as predicted.

I was up very early this morning to check on the weather status, and oh my gosh it is super humid at 4am.  Blech!  It'd be great from some morning rain, so I wouldn't have to water everything, and could tackle the indoor to-do list.

My husband complains when I plant something from seed that is horrible to weed later, so I weeded out the chard.  I was hoping to weed the kale, but nope.  Watering all morning, possibly weeding tomorrow.  The hot peppers are on, as well as some bell peppers, and one single tomato is turning red already.

I put up 2 pint bags of Russian kale, and brought in one more zucchini.

Bathroom repairs update:  Entire bathroom has kilz down, so today the ceiling is getting texture.  Once that ceiling is painted, it should go faster to get it in working order.  

I was plum worn out after being out in the heat, so I didn't get a lick of trim painted.  Sigh.  It might happen today.

Our handy-man also repaired the tiller and put a new belt on it.  Now that my husband is starting to get home earlier, he will be able to help me more in the garden.

Question:  How long does watercress last in the freezer?  I'd like to freeze some, but what I have read says 3-4 months.  


  1. Those lightning bugs are a joy to watch, they were as a kid and still are. No rain here overnight as reported, watered this morning, rain is the best.

  2. Faith, I wish the weather report was correct. I do make plans accordingly, and did not want to spend hours watering. It said 80% chance and we got absolutely nothing.


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