Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Thunderstorms, Wind up to 75mph, Hail.....

 Although I pushed all of our front porch furniture up to the house, I found it all in a pile this morning.  Thankfully, it  is all there and in good shape, but wet.

We lost power, but woke up to power thankfully.  Many are still without power.

We lost a few trees, and I will be checking the barns later after the rain quits (yes, more rain this morning after a night of storms).

I slept thru my husband's alarms on his phone, and with the power out, I'm not sure he got his coffee this morning.  I see he also left his wallet behind.  I am praying he has enough gas to get home, or someone will let him borrow cash to fill up to get home.  

Our backyard is full of branches and tree limbs, and tomato stakes are still standing, but will have to be re-pounded.  

I will need to re-set the clocks on everything that lost power, especially the coffee pot.  My husband lives on that pre-set timer at 4:30am.

Yesterday I could not find pickling lime anywhere in the local stores (in one direction anyway).  I ended up ordering it online.  The way things are going, I am going to try and can extra for the kids.  I have a feeling things are going to get worse.


  1. So glad you didn't have any major damage and didn't lose power for long. Those big storms can be so scary. Hope your husband makes it home okay. Stay safe.

  2. I agree, things are looking pretty grim. I am sure those of us who live frugally and grow lots of our own food will be able to help out our children. I am surprised that both our sons planted gardens. This is the first year the youngest has done so as he just bought a house... Probably not the best time to do so, but we can help a bit.

    God bless.

  3. Debi, we were lucky. In our town, they lost power all day long in this heat. My husband made it home.

  4. Jackie, I just hope this heat dries up the water in the garden. One area that is flooded looks the worst.


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