Monday, June 13, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday

My husband finally had Sunday off, but we pretty much spent it running around for errands, and for about the 3rd time (even though it was on the list) forgot the new tire for the wheelbarrow.  Sigh.  

We successfully planted my flowers I bought 2 weeks ago, and weeded the lower front flower bed.  We also put a tarp down to extend one area of the flower bed, to make mowing much easier.  We will not plant there for 1-2 years, to make sure we kill off the grass.

We tag-teamed and tilled the gardens, but the belt broke on the larger tiller.  We totally forgot to buy one when we were in town.  We did remember to buy a new filter for it though.  Oddly, it was still very wet out there, so I have not had to water anything but the grow bags and flowers.  The herb garden has the least amount of weeds right now.

We finally both got haircuts, but I was so ready to cut my bangs myself.  Luckily, our daughter was working and had a time slot for both of us.

We stopped at several stores and brought home 2 azaleas for one area around the house.  I had him make a stop at the Dollar Tree so I could run in for 2 things, one being bungee cords.  I got in line and boy was it a long line.  There was a woman in the other check out with a cart filled to the brim and over flowing.  Preparing for another Armageddon?

On a good note, our electric bill went from in the $200's to down to $94.00.  Amazing how low it can go with all the kids move out.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . . 
If we are lucky, we are to get rain late tonight.  Actually storms, so I hope the tomatoes are strong enough to withstand any wind.

As I look outside my window . . .
I have a pile of cement blocks I need to remove from the yard, but that is last on the list, otherwise thankful we got the flower bed area covered with a tarp for a future expansion (possibly more herbs).

Right now I am  . . .
Sipping coffee, trying to wake up and figure out on a breakfast for my husband tomorrow.

Thinking and pondering . . .
I really need to get flowers to the cemeteries.  I just don't want to go by myself, but I really want to get them there.  We have not been able to sell our hutch, so we have contacted Habitat for Humanity to see if we can donate it to a new home they are building nearby.

How I am feeling . . . 
Somewhat rested, but not looking forward to another long week of these work hours.  I guess I'm going to have to take the tire off the wheelbarrow and take it somewhere to make sure I get the right one.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Have no idea yet.  Today it may be leftover french toast, scrambled eggs and blueberry sausage (unless I save it for my husband for tomorrow and make something for myself today).

On the reading pile . . .
Haven't had time to read lately.

On my TV . . .
The Patriot, Netflix

On the menu . . .
-Apple/pecan chicken salad (a refreshing dinner on a hot day)
-grilled burgers with tomato and our garden lettuce
-I want to get some iced tea made with home grown spearmint (my favorite)

Looking around the house . . .
The floor trim was never put in on Sunday.  Time got away, and it was just not done.  I do have to get a corner piece painted, but we may end up replacing it.  The people we hired to paint, removed it and put it back up, but destroyed it with staples.  A piece of floor trim will also need replaced.  They broke it in half removing it (sigh).

The to-do list . . .
-water grow bags and flowers
-move one hosta
-a small bit of laundry
-work upstairs
-put up more strawberries
-tidy up kitchen
-make a breakfast
-check all lists I have going...sigh...

From the camera . . .

 I saw about a dozen finches yesterday.  They love this thistle.  They would visit me in the flower beds until I yanked my 5 foot weeds, but they sure do love them, and I am seeing so many this year.

Prayers . . .
Us.  We are just so spent lately, and it's even difficult to enjoy my husband's day off anymore (packed with to-do's on the honey-do list).  He is on edge most days when he gets home.


  1. Beautiful goldfinches! Going to have to try spearmint in my iced tea, have some going crazy. Thanks for the idea. Hope things slow down a bit for you and that you and your husband find some time to relax. Have a great week!

  2. Jean, my Grandma made spearmint tea all the time, so that is where I learned to do it. Mom didn't like it, but I love it.


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