Thursday, June 9, 2022

Preserving Eggs ~ Ramblings

 Let's talk about preserving eggs.  I know how to do water-glassing, but have never dehydrated.  I found a great article online by Backwoods Home Magazine.  What is your preference for preserving eggs?

Suggestions on using dehydrated eggs?  I'm plan to look thru my books to see what I have on this, but asking here too.

A few more dollar tree finds from earlier this week - dressing to-go bottles, and a vegetable scrubber for the camper.

The dressing bottles will be great for my husband's work lunch, but I bought two of them for picnic packing too.  It doesn't look like we'll likely take any long vacations this year due to gas prices, and prices of everything else.

I have 1 more quart to freeze, but I got the strawberries taken care of.  Jam is done as well, so I don't have to use freezer space and do it in winter.

I made us some homemade teriyaki sauce for chicken teriyaki.  It will last a few days (the dinner), so I won't have to cook thankfully.

My husband and I talked last night about raising a pig and cows.  Goats are not in the picture yet, but I am prepared (since we raised dairy goats before).  


  1. I like to dehydrate eggs for use in baking (mostly bread). I'm heartily glad that I did some recently before prices doubled here in the last month!

  2. chipmunk, that is good to know. I guess I better get that done while I am getting a good amount of eggs.

  3. You should check out the 5 Acres and a Dream blog, she has an entire entry where she tests the different ways to dry eggs. Just in general, she has a lot of good information.

  4. Veronica, I do follow her blog, and thank you. I will check her blog for her post on that.


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