Tuesday, May 24, 2022

This and That

Last week I tried a new all-in-one crock pot meal - spaghetti and meatballs (with homemade ingredients).  We did not like it.  The pasta cooked too long for our taste.

My husband and I enjoyed another harvest of asparagus.  I don't know that we'll gut much more.  I'm so glad we tilled and are expanding this in the garden.

My to-do list has increased like you would not believe.  I am being told that my husband may not get the holiday off work now.  Not sure the honey-do list will happen.  So frustrated with this schedule this year.

I happened to check my fit bit and account associated with our insurance and his work.  They increased the points from 3000 to 4000, so I have to find out if the absolute required increased from 1000.  That would not be good, considering the amount of work I am doing on my own with the gardens.

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