Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The garden is in!!

 The garden is finally in.  I just have to drop some zinnia and dill seeds this morning before it rains, and put my garden cart back where it belongs.

I bought a pack of 25 wooden, 5 foot tomato stakes online and got it shipped free to the house.  Funny story about the tomatoes.  

I was planting when Daughter K called.  She asked if she would be the one getting any extra slicer tomatoes.  I would always grow them for Mom.  Guess who hopped in the truck and went and bought her a plant in the middle of planting?  Yep. That was me, but I also got me an extra hot banana, as mine did not all sprout.

You know it was a long day in the garden, when you don't see me post so early today.  I slept very well, ha ha!

Our friend came over and cleaned all the metal out of the burn pile.  He loaded up his truck and that job is done as well.

I painted one more cabinet door, and cleaned some of a junk drawer out.  Then I called it a night.

We have one kitchen drawer, that my husband dubbed his.  Well, the tracks keep breaking on it, due to the weight in it.  He tried to blame it on me, but guess who took all the tools, and heavy stuff out?  Yeah, I did.

I sent him a photo of this, and asked what the heck does this go to?  He had no idea.  Guess where it went?  I ran it outside before our friend left and added it to his scrap pile, ha ha!  The garage and all his tools will be so organized by fall.  I found my water spigot splitter that I lost years ago too,  ha ha!  Anyway, that drawer is painted and back in place.

The rain is to arrive around noon today, and the garden will love it.  Oh, by the way, the Etsy seller that was the only one I could find online with organic music garlic, fizzled out.  Order was never shipped, and I got zero responses from sending messages.  So....I had to go into my stash left from last year and plant asap.  I had to cut the amount down by about 20 cloves, but it's planted.  Tomatoes rank at the number 112 this year. All paste, but 2 slicer plants and one cherry tomato.

I planted 55 hot peppers, and one is new - golden cayenne.  Planted 33 bell peppers, and two types of lettuce.  We didn't get to plant everything we wanted this year like peas and potatoes, but I'm happy with what I got in considering everything that was going on this year.

I finally got the herbs planted as well, and after the rain will tackle weeding it, as well as the flower beds.


  1. You have been very busy and productive. Things in the house tend to get pushed back at this time of the year because of the garden and this year we added four more beds, built a fence and started as many plants from seed as we could. Now it's time to get things planted and watch them grow! Have a great weekend!

  2. Debi, we had plans to add more beds this year too, but with his work hours it is impossible. Next year we hope to add more. We plan to make sure we have extra for the kids with these food prices so high.


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