Thursday, May 12, 2022

Nice weather ~ Painting and purging continues


It has been nice weather to get the laundry and bedding out on the line.  I had it out early and painted for 3 hours.  Painting trim is a pain, but I am getting more done if I stay home ha ha!  I'm almost done with the upper cabinets.  I have about 3 to go, and paint the doors as well.  Four doors went back up last night. Progress is being made.

I know we are ripping out the carpet, but I wanted to spot clean in case we sell the other 2 pieces of furniture.  Put the plants out to harden, and totally forgot to put my mail in the mailbox.  Oops.

I got to enjoy a few minutes of porch time and could smell my lilacs all the way out there.  I went and cut some before they were gone for the season. 

I picked a bit more asparagus.  Hopefully it will be a side dish in a few days if I get enough.

I worked in the master bath, purging another cabinet.  I think I have a few drawers to go, but more progress there as well.

1 comment:

  1. You are a machine with all the painting, purging and cleaning. I am tired after reading your posts so I just sit down for a bit and rest! I love asparagus but haven't been able to grow it successfully in the past. Have a great weekend!


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