Wednesday, May 11, 2022

New Kitchen Gadget ~ Coffee Cubes and other ramblings

Not very often, but when we have leftover coffee, I freeze it into cubes for my husband's coffee (he likes to cool it down enough to drink right away).  You lift that white tab, and pour it right it.  Works great.

Prices on everything are going up.  We paid $8 a package for brats to grill on Mother's Day, gas was $4.09 last week and is up more this week to $4.19, propane went up, and many more things.  

I saw beautiful hanging baskets a few days before Mother's Day and didn't buy them. Went back after Mother's Day and nothing left.  Hmpf.  I should have known better.  I went to Menards, and the same situation.  Plus their prices are horrible this year.

I'm so happy I can use my clothesline to lower our electric bill, plus the laundry smells so good.

1 comment:

  1. I always make and freeze gravy..then if l'm
    on my own, l can take a cube or to, or how
    ever much l may need, and always have plenty
    left! No, need to keep making at every meal..!

    Just a little tip..What ever you do..Don't
    put it in your gin and tonic..! HeHe! :O).


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