Friday, April 29, 2022

The purge is the word. . .

The purge continues.  I took an entire truck load to a place that is a thrift store, where their sales help area businesses.  However, my kitchen has another full (maybe more) load to go.  I'm not sure they'll take another load.

I also have a futon that Daughter K left that is going on social media today for free.

I picked up paint swatches and got the okay from my husband.  Living room painting is on hold for now, but getting ideas.  

Three pieces of furniture were put on facebook marketplace, and what a pain it is to deal with.  There are so many scams right now it's not even funny.  

After 4 days of my husband attempting to set the brew time on the coffee pot, I figured it out yesterday.  It now brews for him at 4:20am.  We are both still not liking the new schedule.

If the pie safe does not sell, we have plans to rip the screen out and put in something else to keep the dust out.  I am getting the most interest with that piece however.

I joined an online area garage sale page on social media.  The furniture has been shared there as well, but nothing so far.  No one has the money to buy right now, and we can't afford to just give it away either.  It's all just frustrating, but I do not lack work to do in the house, and I'm getting worried about the time I'll need for the garden this year.

On top of that, my husband is asking me to cook up 2 dozen eggs and meat for him to take to work tomorrow for his crew.  Ugh.  He says he's doing it himself, but I'm pretty sure he knows that I know he does not have time for that.  I guess we'll see if it happens.

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