Thursday, April 28, 2022


I am still cleaning and purging.  I got all the painting done on one side of the kitchen, and trim is next.  I cleaned the window wood work and put the curtains back up.

I felt like once I was done, I wasn't done.  I always seem to find more that has to be done.  We are so pleased with the progress however.

My daughter K left an entire set of baking dishes of my Mom's.  She said she had zero room in her apartment.  So....I've inherited those and have a place to put them, but that also means purging my old ones.  Mom's are prettier anyway.

My new salt and pepper shakers. 

We decided that if the three pieces of furniture do not sell, we have other plans for them.  We'll see.  The used furniture store is unable to buy them right now (her partner in the business passed away).  My husband used to work with her, and we knew she would be fair, but that didn't happen.  Selling on marketplace is so frustrating.  So many scams to deal with, and people wanting to pay with phone apps.  If anything, I located a consignment shop, but they want 50% of what it sells for.  I can't believe that amount!  Times have changed for sure.

Speaking of "times" our favorite local place to get a good burger stopped selling all food at their bar.  Due to lack of employees they had to go that route.  It's so sad, and yet that same town is trying to build a Culvers there.  I can't see that happening right now.

The weather is warming up again, so I am hoping for new shoots of asparagus, and beautiful, fragrant lilac blooms.  It won't be long now, for my clothesline to be in full swing.  I have a bed quilt I want to wash and dry outside.

Daughter E reminded me to take time out of the day for myself.  I realized I haven't made time to crochet/read/write or anything for "me" time.  Sticky notes are very much needed right now in all this craziness.

On a good note, we have wood cut and ready to split, to get ahead on next year.  It is too dangerous to clean our own chimney, so that's on the list, and I've already received a discount from our current resource.  I'm just nervous to find out yet what the price is this year.  Everything, and mean everything has gone way up.


  1. Old family dishes are such a treasure.
    Have a good week and take time for you!

  2. I love your new salt and pepper set! You are one busy lady! You do take some time to rest and make you something pretty. Things certainly have gone up in price. We sure are hoping for better times soon this is getting hard to work around. Today my post was on the very thing expenses and trying to save money. Thanks for the motivation I need to purge and clean.

  3. Hi, I am a vintage shaker collector(over 30 yrs). I have not seen these shakers in any books or stores ever. Similar shakers were produced in Milk Glass, but not Jadeite. They are unusual, unique, and a great memory for you.

  4. Luludou, I found the salt and pepper shakers at an antique store. I was hoping to find a matching butter dish, but have not yet. I love them.

  5. Dolly, I took a full truck load to donate the other day, and now my kitchen is full of another load to go donate. The place we are donating to, helps area businesses.

  6. Sharon, I am now looking for a matching butter dish, but haven't found one just yet.


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