Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Snail Mail ~ Kitchen Updates and Jibber Jabber


I kept flowers from Mom's funeral (casket flowers), and dried them.  I sent the petals to an Etsy seller and had these made.  I also got a necklace for the two younger girls.  I am so pleased on how they turned out.  I'm so glad I did it too.  

I ordered myself a bracelet from another store, that I absolutely fell in love with, and wanted to wear it in memory of Mom.  It popped up on social media one day, and it's from a store in FL, where they hold bike week, so I figured the sale would be legit.

This is what they shipped me.  Ugly to me.  Not what I ordered.  I sent emails back and forth, and they told me it was one of a kind, and already sold, but yet it was on their site and he description clearly stated what I ordered.  

On a good note, and I won't believe until I receive it, they are having the person make another one and shipping it directly to me.  It is handmade.  I'm waiting on a shipping label to return this one.

Although I nearly broke my back, I got all the vinyl flooring glue off, but two places.  I'll work on that later today, or pick up a different remover.

We still need to screw in the desk supports, install the kitchen heater back in (painting is done there), and move the hutch and table/chairs back to the kitchen.  

Daughter K finally made a trip home to pack up another load.  However, she left an entire box of things from Mom's house she didn't want (or didn't have room for), and a few very old afghans for me to deal with (photos on another day when I can unbury them from the living room.

I did however save this for me. It's for grating garlic or ginger.  I grate a lot of both.  I will most likely only use it for ginger though.  I have a mincer for my garlic.

In the meantime, I am purging my pie safe.  Due to limited space in my kitchen cabinets, I was using a pie safe to store my mixer, food processer, jam maker, platter plates etc. 

I have two boxes of stuff already boxed up to donate somewhere (nothing that was of my Mom's).  I'm giving a food processer to my best friend (I had two), and some books.

The pie safe will be sold. and if not, we'll look into an antique store and remove it completely from the living room.  

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