Thursday, April 14, 2022

Old Crocheted Blankets


Here are the two blankets that my sister sent home with our Daughter K.  Of course she tells me to take care of them.  Urgh.  I'm sure that my Grandma on my Dad's side crocheted them.  I have no use for them, so I guess they will be donated.  The colors!!

I cleaned out the walkway from garage door to garage.  Daughter K left a box of flavored waters in there from 2 years ago.  Sheesh.  Now I have room to store flooring for the living room.

I also went upstairs to fetch packing tape, and found dishes in her old room.  She has a lot to clean out yet.


  1. Put those afghans on E-Bay. There are people who collect them. :)

  2. Blankets remind me of Halloween or Charlie Brown, haha. What a treasure from your Dad's Grandma, but understand the donation.

    Love, love the improvements happening in your home. Wish you were closer, I/we have a ton of stuff that should be done here and we'd put YOU GUYS to work!

    Have a beautiful Good Friday and an even better relaxing Beautiful Easter.

  3. Actually those colours would almost be perfect in my living room. I would just change one to a darker brown.

    God bless.

  4. those colours are so 70's!! I think they're fab but in a reminiscing kind of way, not in a want-them-on-my-sofa kind of way LOL


  5. I know what you mean about those colours, very 1970's! My gran was an avid crocheter but mostly used old jumpers as her source of wool which led to some amazingly varied coloured blankets, if you get my drift!

  6. Thank you everyone. My Daughter E took both blankets for her apt. I explained they were made by her great grandmother, and she immediately wanted them. I'm just thankful they stayed in the family.


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