Saturday, April 23, 2022

On a roll....

I started to clean yet another cupboard out, and realized I needed more shelf liner.  I went to the "big city" to get more at Wal-mart, and I'm glad I did.  There was only two rolls left of the color I already bought.

I also thought I better pick up a smaller paint brush to finish the kitchen, and there was only one of those left too.  Crazy!  

While walking down the kitchen bake/cookware aisles (can't remember if I was just window shopping or looking for something ha ha!), my eye caught something.  I'll get a photo for you soon.  It's my new obsession, and an item that I can display in some of my cubbies (and useable).

Back home I got more drawers and a cupboard newly lined with shelf paper, expired medicinal items tossed (left by Daughter K), and yet again filled another box for donation.  Now that we don't have the round, smaller kitchen table, I have no use for the tablecloths for that table.

I'll have the kids look at them first, but plan to donate the smaller or round tablecloths.  I have many more shelves to line, and then it's time to purge baking items.  I have two pans for mini-muffins that I know I will pass on or donate.  I used to bake candy filled cookies in those pans, and haven't used them in years.

It sure feels good to get things back in order.  Not to mention back to cooking again.  I'm going to get my husband on board to start looking at front room flooring.  However, I think we'll need to start pulling carpet up to see what type of flooring we'll have to be buying.  We may have to go with the glue down type again, or go with carpet.

I called our green house yesterday, because some of my vegetable plants didn't survive my trip away, despite Daughter K watering them.  They won't even be opening for another week, which is odd.  They are typically open in March.

I have a long weekend to-do list.  May your weekend be blessed with goodness.


  1. Maybe consider keeping one of those mini muffin tins. I use an old one in the veggie garden to space seeds. Just press into the soil and then plant things like carrots in the depressions. ;)


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