Monday, April 25, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday


We had beautiful weather over the weekend.  It was in the lower 80's, but Sunday the wind was pretty nasty.  We took off on the motorcycle to a friend's house, but retreated home after our experience with the wind.  Back at the homestead we got some work done.

I ordered a single rolling pin holder for hanging on the wall, and the Etsy dealer specifically said it was for only Pioneer Woman's rolling pin.  

Well, my husband spent some time sanding it down so it would fit.  I was in no mood to return it, so that has been done and up, to make more space in a cupboard.  I love it on the wall anyway.

I spent time putting shelf paper in the cupboards and re-organized my drawers, so all of my utensils are in drawers and no in a utensil spinner on the counter top.  I am super happy, because I always felt like it was looking sort of chaotic with it on the counter top.

I'm no longer feeling like a "hot mess" and now sort of like a semi-hot mess.  The kitchen is slowly coming together, and the purge continues.  It feels weird, but good to downsize some baking dishes.  The boxes are filling up for the donation station.  I still need to purge tablecloths, but have a few washed, folded and in a box as well.

Our asparagus is starting to come in.  I'm thrilled, but it also puts me in panic mode about all the work we still need to do indoors.

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .
Rain all day today.  I was hoping to use my clothesline today, but that's not happening.

As I look out the window . . .
It's dreary, cloudy and rainy.  The last hired help we fired, left our front porch a mess. It's on the clean up to-do list.

Right now I am . . .
Making a list, getting ready to pull food from the freezer to make the breakfast, and making a pot of coffee.

Thinking and pondering . . .
The half-bath project is on hold.  I thought about it, and told my husband, that it would be better to start that project after the living room floor was done.  I figure if we have to hire someone, they will use that bathroom, and I do not want it messed up after all that work.

How I am feeling . . .
Tired, but ready to get some order in my kitchen.  

On the breakfast plate . . . 
I'll be back with a photo possibly.

On my reading pile . . .
I'm almost finished with this book.  I've had limited time to read.

On my TV . . .
We are doing an eenie-minee-mo sort of pick.

On the menu . . .
-asparagus/bacon breakfast casserole
-Moroccan Stew
-Chicken crock pot dish

Looking around the house . . . 
I still have two more kitchen chairs in my living room.  Those will be wiped down and moved back to the kitchen.  Daughter K left boxes of "trash" in the living room.  Those will be removed Tuesday after trash pick-up.

To do list . . .
-bake a breakfast casserole
-clean master bath
-put dishes back into the kitchen cupboards we took out
-paint areas of kitchen where my hired help didn't paint, and hopefully move my computer and printer back where it was.
-check asparagus
-water plants
-find a new home for a stamp collection (possibly someone in Boy Scouts)
-box up more teacup/saucer sets for donation
-order a decal for my bread box
-start clearing a space upstairs for the treadmill. I feel like we need to order a dumpster, and start tossing stuff out the upper window, she left that much of a mess up there.

From the camera . . .

The ornamental apple trees are in bloom, and the wild violets and dandelions are up now.

Devotional . . .
I can't find my book since I boxed my office area up.  I do not have any special prayers requests at this time.


  1. Why is your daughter not helping to clean if she left a mess? It sounds as though the kitchen is coming along quite well and I am sure we will see the finished project and love it.

  2. From Saturday's post ...We take the expired meds to a local Walgreens and/or police department for them to recycle/dispose.

    So happy for your progress on the home improvements. And, so so so jealous you're getting it done. One of my old refrigerators died over the weekend and still sits, doors off and rest of cabinet next to in middle of floor. I'm not an extremely organizes individual, but do not like mess where it should be.

    Have a great week.

  3. And re expired meds, quite a few are from our pets who are no longer with us. Yes, I have held onto them for quite awhile.

  4. Carol, she lives about 1 hour away, and works a lot. She comes when she has a day off, but I cannot wait for her to do most of it. I'm just upset that her and her other younger sister both left stuff upstairs for me to deal with. A few things will go to the road with a free sign, so I don't have to haul it into town (old desk and a futon one of them left).

  5. Mother Em, we too have a place to take expired meds. I am so happy with my progress, but so anxious to get the living room floor issues fixed as well. I'm hoping our furniture we decided to downsize sells soon, so it's out of the way for doing the work too.

  6. A bit jealous of your asparagus, we love it here but don't have a good location to plant it. Hope your week was a good one and that you have a great weekend!

  7. Jean, we got a frost after the asparagus starting coming in, but so far I am still getting more. I am so happy.

  8. you are getting ALOT done! good job with the purging Had never seen something to put the roller pin out - will look it up. wanted to paint an old roller pin for decor - this would be the perfect stand for it.
    Have a great week

  9. Luludou, I could only find the rolling pin holder like that on Etsy. Be sure to ask the width of the part that holds it.


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