Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday


I've been taking down all wall decor in the kitchen, in order to prep for painting more ceiling and walls.  Sub floor is in for the most part, but not finished enough to put flooring in.  Our hired help (friend's brother and wife team) are getting fired today.  

Long story short - drug users, not reliable, untrustworthy, etc.

I'm already missing an entire painting kit.

Anyway, there is much more to the story, but I'll be doing the painting and another friend as the jobs go on.  Meanwhile my husband is working 12 hour days and Saturday, so the major work still has to be hired out.

Joining Sandra a day late, at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .

62°F/48°F and rain

As I look out my window . . .

Old Kitchen flooring.

Daffodils are coming up.

Right now I am . . .

Figuring out breakfast.  Toast?  

Thinking and pondering . . .

There is a lot on my mind right now.

Homemaking tips . . .

To remove a popcorn ceiling, mix fabric softener and water 50/50 and spray, then scrap off with a tool.

To remove hair dye from a bathroom door, use a paste of 50/50 baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.  It worked too.  Dang kids.

How I am feeling  . . .

Tired, frustrated....

On the breakfast plate . . .

Ha!  Toast or nothing I guess

On my reading pile . . .


On my TV . . .

Mystery channel

On the menu . . .

Take out?

From the camera . . .


Looking around the house . . .

My living room....

To do list . . .

I have no idea.  My husband took the truck, because our hired help used the car and left with the car keys in his pocket (and left the gas on complete empty).  I can barely squeeze into the living room to get to my computer....kitchen is still a hot mess.  I need more ceiling paint...can't use the stove....sort of feeling trapped in the house today.

Prayers . . .

Me? Us?  Ugh....I am constantly cleaning up mud.  They have no respect for working in someone else's home.  

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! so much going on. Hope the next hired help is a good and trusty worker and that the work gets done quickly and with good quality.
    Have a great week


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