Sunday, April 3, 2022

About to lose my marbles!


The good:  I got rid of my "popcorn" ceiling which was half of the kitchen.

The bad:  Now I have to paint it.  Paint is already purchased.

The good:  Today, three new joists go in and sub floor.  Say a prayer this happens today.

The bad:  In the process of replacing the seal plates, the vibration knocked old insulation out and into a pile to clean up today.  Back when we bought the house, they had a trash compacter.  They knocked out a section of plaster wall to install the electrical line to run the compacter (we ripped the compacter out years ago when it stopped working - bags to use it were expensive anyway, and trash charged us more for pick up).  It's in that area that the insulation all came out.  Guess who has to now remove upper cabinets, remove paneling (from previous owner we painted), then knock plaster out and install insulation, then re-panel the walls or dry wall it?  

I'm about to lose my mind!  My stove is now in front of the dishwasher, so I can't use either, nor even my microwave, and have been left to use the air fryer.  My front porch is buried in old flooring preventing the use of the grill too.  I'm going nuts not being able to cook/bake.

I'm not sure what breakfast will be today either.  My husband joked he bought pop-tarts.  Yeah, no.  I want eggs, meat and whatever and it's clawing at my inner brain right now.  I am hoping the restaurant in our town is open. They have the next best biscuits and gravy to my homemade version.

I guess I'll be putting on muck boots and gloves and taking old flooring to the burn pile.  One garden cart at a time.

One person helping our hired help was to paint my ceiling, but not sure that person will be returning.  Ugh. Hence, it's now possibly my job.

The hired help was to be here at 9am yesterday, and didn't show up until 11am.  The frustrations just keep piling up and up.  


  1. Keep your eyes on the finished product, not on the disruption, and you'll keep your sanity.

  2. oh dear, it all sounds very stressful, hope you start to make headway soon


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