Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Zucchini Pizza Casserole

I intended to take a photo of the casserole with cheese (fresh out of the oven), but it smelled so good we scooped and ate right away.

The only thing I did differently, was mix the pepper in with the onion (vs. sprinkle on top the cheese).  Well, that's not the only thing I did differently, I also used sage sausage vs. ground beef, and used home canned pizza sauce vs. tomato sauce.  

It was delicious.  I think it smelled divine, because it was home canned pizza sauce.  

I froze the other half of it, so we had an easy meal for another night.

Just google the name of the recipe, and Taste of Home.  Recipe is online.

Great way to use your zucchini this season (and for us avoiding pasta), and using up some home canned pizza sauce.


  1. Will have to try that one. BUT, my daughter would be so herself, in substituting this-for-that, as she can't stand it. YET, it always turns out tasteful. You go girl and hope you are doing well.

  2. Mother Em, I've been pretty busy, but doing well. Next time I make this, I will use more zucchini. I think it needed more on the bottom, but so good.


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