Wednesday, March 30, 2022

What's Cookin'? ~ Mom's Recipes

I had a busy day Tuesday.  Once I had the chickens tended, I headed to town to do some paperwork with my younger brother.  I then ran some stuff to Daughter E, and went to a couple of stores, and completely forgot to pick up chicken feed.

Once I was back home, I had dishes to wash, dry and put away, only to start baking a breakfast and dinner for the day, and finish up more laundry.

It felt weird, but I made a small batch of blueberry pancakes and cooked some locally made blueberry maple sausages for breakfast for a few days.  I typically make a giant batch of pancakes, that's why I said "weird."  

I tried another new recipe.  Thanks to my dear friend for asking me to help her with freezer meal ideas, I came across this one - Taco Stew.  I've made taco soup before, but this was amazing.  I told my husband, that it was almost better than chili.  I changed a few things, like using home canned tomato (herbed) sauce, and added homemade taco seasoning to the meat, and it was so good.  It's a keeper recipe now. It's also a Taste of Home recipe online.  Oh another thing I did - added 2 small cans of chilies to the diced tomatoes (recipe called for 2 cans of diced tomatoes with chilies).  If you freeze your own tomatoes, just add organic chilies.  All ingredients were organic or home grown, and so good with a dollop of organic sour cream (or make homemade) on top.

Mom kept her recipe cards in this contraption.  I opened it thinking I'd find a divider that said "Desserts" on it.  Nope.  She has recipes filed alphabetically.  Sigh.  It's gonna be a bigger project for me, but once that is done, will pass these on to the next sibling.  Oh boy....

We never got an estimate from the professionals regarding the kitchen floor.  Last night we hired someone to come help, who knows what they are doing thankfully.  Today, I will be very busy and moving all of Daughter K's boxes, to the living room.  I need to get to the store for ingredients to feed our help, and to buy sliders to move furniture and counters/cupboards from the kitchen. 

On top of that, Daughter K is coming for the weekend, and bringing her dogs (ugh).  She may have to set up her dog kennels upstairs due to space.  We told her it's the last time we can watch her dogs, as we are repairing and remodeling and I'm not in the business of replacing stuff again.



  1. Just last year my husband lost his mother of 89 yrs old. The first thing he wanted was her box of handwritten recipes. Not her recipe books. Her handwritten ones were more personal. He has already picked out some he wants me to fix.
    We are in the middle of a major kitchen renovation.
    We are in a hotel room until it's done. I have been doing alot of hotel Cooking and uploading videos to our YouTube channel. Keeper Of the Home At 4D Farms.

  2. Tracy, if he weather was good, I could use our grill to cook, but they still have flooring supplies on my porch. So far, I'm getting things figured out. I eventually will give the cupboards a new coat of paint, but the major work needs done first.


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