Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Washing Machine Fail and Making Comfrey Poultices (again) and other ramblings

My husband and Daughter K worked on replacing the new washing machine seal.  You would not believe everything that had to be taken off of it to get the new one on.  I should have filmed them working on it.  Bickering back and forth, while I was leaning on the half door (with King up with one paw on the door and one on my back and a toy in his mouth, while Zuri was sneaking chicken feed out of a container on the floor waiting to go outside).  It was somewhat comical.

However, once they put the door on, the spring snapped off the seal. Expletives were dispersed, heads lowered, and heavy sighs exhaled.

The washing machine will be torn apart again tonight, so no the laundry isn't being done today.  Thankfully, Daughter K is off work today and can help my husband.

We've been offered a barn cat.  We declined for now.  We are too close to a busy highway.  Speaking of that, we had a stray show up yesterday too.  We can also hear activity of either a fox or coyote nearby.

I'm back at making some comfrey poultices for not just my ankle, but my knee today.  I will try and find an old t-shirt to cut up for my knee.  I had one small poultice in the freezer and put that on my ankle yesterday.  It is better looking today, but the heal on my foot aches.  My knee is a whole other story.  

I had two men knock on my door yesterday.  I thought it was a bit strange.  I had to laugh, because the dogs scared the ba-jeebies out of them.  I sort of hung out, letting the dogs do their job for a few minutes (ha ha!).  

They were asking about old barn siding in our ruble pile (not the first time for this to happen).  He gave me his business card, but my husband feels we were "cased" to see if anyone was home.  I looked his stuff up online and found nothing.  I checked social media, did a reverse phone search and one other search and came up with zero.  If you were a handyman, you'd definitely advertise on social media.  I have a feeling my husband was right, but I was careful when I answered the door as well (my husband taught me well), and this isn't the first time.

Anyway, I did inquire more research, and found nothing, so.....

We had a winter advisory last night, which involved slush and snow.  There were zero plows out.

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