Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Tuesday Tidbits

The younger two girls really out did themselves for Christmas.  We said no gifts, and they didn't listen.  They gave us fun stuff, useful stuff and I got books from one of them.

I love books, but try to contain the collection with the space I have allowed.  Daughter E got me all of these.

I spent an hour on the computer, and finally located a pattern for a top for Daughter E.  Yarn has been ordered, but the kind I need was not available from JoAnn's nor Michaels (they were curbside only for some reason). The cost of shipping was horrible.

I did 2 loads of laundry and came to an abrupt stop.  Daughter K said, "um Mom?  Why is there water all over the floor and in the laundry basket?"  The seal needs replaced, has been ordered from a local business, and should be in today (thankfully).  Whirlpool direct, wanted $100 more than our local resource.

Daughter E locked her keys in her car.  The boys rescued her.

The wood stove continues to provide.  The temperature is starting to drop again, and now may make an appearance today.

I'm so thankful I made comfrey salve.  I'm applying it to my knee now.  The boot they gave me goes all the way up to my knee and weighs a ton.  It caused my knee to ache.  The boot is off, soaks continue today, and I hope that my knee feels better soon.  It literally hurts worse than my ankle.



  1. I broke my ankle a couple of years ago and had to wear a boot for about six weeks (not the knee high one). By the time I could take it off, my knee hurt a lot worse than the ankle, and continued to hurt for months. It did finally stop hurting, so stay positive.

  2. What a wonderful Christmas. Take care of yourself.

  3. Mary P I think they didn't have any other boots that day I got x-rays. It's very heavy. Ugh.

  4. I have the Jen Sincero,and Women of the Bible Speak as well....I'll have to check out your other read too. Hope your 2022 is Healthy and Prosperous.


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