Thursday, November 11, 2021

Trying to keep up . . .

It's been sort of an overwhelming schedule.  I thought Mom having a visiting nurse would take the edge off us taking her to appointments, but that's not the case.  She still has appointments 2-3 times a week that require transport service, and she refuses to use the free transport service for seniors that is in her town.

Yesterday I tag teamed with Daughter K.  Took Mom to the wound clinic and then took her shopping.  She refuses to use the electric carts (she's very stubborn), so it takes two of us to take her shopping.  One pushes her in a transport chair and one pushes the shopping cart.  Then we take her home and unload her purchases and put them away.  It was an hour and a half at the wound clinic, and I kid you not, 1 1/2 hours walking around Meijer.  I could tell she was thrilled to get out to shop, but we were exhausted.  I think we rounded the entire store three times, ha ha!

Before that we have other stops she wants to do, and then it's pitch dark out when we return home.

Thankfully, Mom is signed back up with meals on wheels. The weather is changing.  It will become very difficult to deliver meals when I live a 50 minute round trip from her home.  The meals are also prepared for her health requirements.

These days require crock pot meals (all-in-one), and I'm trying to do my best taking care of things at home.  My husband hasn't had a day off in long time, and I also bake his breakfast and pack his daily food for work.

Also, my chickens are lucky to get 1-2 hours of daylight.  I don't have anyone to put them in before it gets dark out.  We have day light savings time, and it's dark very early anymore.

Meanwhile I left freshly picked swiss chard in the refrigerator, so I'm praying it is still good to blanch and freeze today.  

Oh, update on my Mom.  It is confirmed that her one leg has sickle cell skin cancer and it must be removed quickly.  This type of cancer spreads quickly.  Thank you for your prayers, good thoughts and good mojo.


  1. Saying prayers for your mom. I really believe its the joy of getting out and about and the companion ship with family that she is enjoying the most.

  2. Thank you for your update on your Mom's condition. I will continue to keep her in my prayers.... You, will also be in my prayers.

    God bless.

  3. I think that her skin cancer is squamous cell skin cancer. If it is growing quickly, get it treated asap.

  4. Sharon, you are correct and she has an appt with that particular doctor


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