Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Beautiful Sunrise and other ramblings

Beautiful sunrise and a morning visitor.

We decided to put the trail camera out to know get proof of exactly what was tearing up the yard.  Mainly, to put my thoughts to rest on entering the barn (ha ha ha!), and not find any surprises (although we have a solar barn light that deters visitors at night).  Absolutely no activity.  I think they or he/she moved on.  I'll set the camera one more night and double check.

I finally got my new fitbit watch to sync with my insurance program.  It was not a fun job.  Now I know why my Mom doesn't like technology and changes.  The watch they sent me could only be set up via a mobile device.  Sigh.  I could not sync it to my computer until I downloaded the fitbit app to my phone, signed in, and set up the device.

My husband helped me do that, and yes, it will still track steps if it's in my pocket.  I am not wearing that thing on my wrist so they can monitor my heart and sleep and whatnot.  They get steps and that's it.  I'll remove the wrist band and just stick it in my pocket or sock.  The things we are required to do just to keep our insurance at the price it is, is ridiculous.

Daughter K helped me muck the coop and we rigged a piece of twine and hook to hold the water unit up off the blocks they were on.  Oh I do not like the coop we have, but am thankful for a safe place for them.  My husband works too much to get a new one built.  Sigh.

We woke up to a very foggy morning.


  1. We had a very foggy morning here as well. Rain overnight too. The snow is supposed to arrive tonight.

    God bless.

  2. Jackie, we have heard about snow here soon too, and we still haven't put the AC in storage (we have a window unit).

  3. I am so glad you put up a camera. Sometimes it may take a week. We had an armadillo absolutely tearing up our yard looking for grubs. This thing would make holes so big I would twist my ankle in them. But it was smart. He never got the same area more than once. It would choose a different spot to make a trail each day. Maybe something will show up.

  4. Thanks Tracy, and yes, whatever it is, is coming and tearing up other areas.


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