Sunday, November 7, 2021

Sunday Ramblings


A friend shared this photo of our Meijer store the other day.  It is just like 2020 now.  Not sure if people are hoarding or if supplies are slow coming in.

Photo from another friend (Meijer also, but another state)

We woke up refreshed with the time change giving us an extra hour of sleep.  I however, hope the state stops doing this.  It's frustrating with the quicker darker evenings, and less work time.

I went to Aldi's to stock up on quinoa.  It used to be $1.95 and it's now $2.75 (still cheaper than at the other stores). 

I was shocked at the new organic items they are carrying.  I haven't been there in a while.

A niece and her best friend are opening their own business - bakery/cafe.  I wish them well.  It's a tough time to be opening a business, with supplies high in price and the supply chains slow right now.

Well, my husband had to work today (again).  We were both up early, so I could pack his breakfast, coffee etc.  Today may be our last good weather day.  

Despite trying, we are forced to push our kitchen floor repair to Spring time.  I am sad about this, but maybe supplies will be a bit lower then.  I surely hope they are not higher.


  1. We don't gain an hour of sleep with fall back-we lose an hour.

  2. Hummingbird, our state may stop doing the time change, and I'll be glad when they do.


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