Monday, November 8, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday


I cut the entire 10 yards of green netting I bought, but now have a blister on my thumb from cutting so much netting.  I will need to raise my prices next year on handmade items.  My supplies have all gone up in price.

My husband was not able to leave work early yesterday, so I have much to do today on my own.  It's going to be much nicer out today, so that will help.

I worked a bit more on my Christmas ornaments.  I'll take them to the craft show this weekend.  I would love to keep one for our tree, but we'll see.  I will be sure to post a photo when they are all done.

Bottle Cap Earrings I made.

I'm making more for the craft show, but I still need to balance outside work with inside work.  Instructions on the ornaments can be found on my S.C.R.A.P. Blogspot.

I went out to find something dug up the yard looking for grubs I assume.  I'm thinking either skunk or raccoon.  I guess we don't have to worry about army worms, but the rodents left the grass a total mess.  In all the 13 years living here, this is the first time to see this.

I have been putting my homemade comfrey salve on a bruise, and it's been working great!  I'm so glad I made it this year.  Do you make a comfrey salve?

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. 

I'll link up when she posts.  I need to get the outdoor stuff done before I can start playing with handiwork.

The weather . . . 
68°F/ 43°F

How I am feeling this morning . . .
Ready to tackle the days work.

On my mind . . .
Homemade Christmas presents. I have a few to gift, and a few ideas.  I would like to make some things to surprise gift my Aunt M.  

On the breakfast plate . . .
I'm leaning towards a crock pot steel cut oats recipe with apples and raisins.

Right now I am . . .
Getting ready to post this, and get this day going.

What I am wearing today. . .
Outdoor work clothes, muck boots, then changing clothes.

On my reading pile . . .
Letters written to my Dad, so I can start passing them onto the next sibling.

On today's to-do list . . .
-put dishes away
-bake a breakfast casserole, maybe steel cut oats breakfast
-muck the chicken coop
-put tomato stakes back in storage
-dump flower pots
-pull glady bulbs
-check greens in the garden
-work on crocheting more dish scrubbies, finish a set of boot cuffs, and work on the ornaments and earrings

On the TV . . .
Comanche Moon, Lonesome Dove, Return to Lonesome Dove

On the menu this week . . .
-chicken chili
-turkey, steamed broccoli
-roast, potatoes, carrots and onions

From the camera . . .
Old photo of when we had the last goats (he was a wether).  He was always finding a way to jump out of his stall or over the fence.  

Looking around the house . . .
I have the larger kitchen table cleaned off to cut one more color of netting. 

Something fun to share . . .

Recipes to try.  The brazil nut one has me intrigued.

To relax this week I will . . .
Read letters and crochet, call Mom.

On the prayer list . . .
Mom.  Her memory is getting worse.  She also canceled her meals on wheels and now relies on friends and family.  Winter is coming and I think she'll need to get those meals delivered again.  I get snowed in, and most everyone works.


  1. I'm with you on the mom thing... mine is the same right now :(
    I can't wait to see pictures of what you are doing for the craft show. I am working on mini crochet stockings to give to family and friends.
    Our grass was that way one year... guess there were more grubs that year. Skunk did it for us.
    I don't have a comfrey salve but would need one

    Have a great day and a great week

  2. Luludou, I am downloading a photo of the ornaments and will add it to this post. I'm also making earrings, so when I am done mucking the coop, I will add a photo later of that too.

  3. In your pictures, those look more like mole or gopher tunnels to me. Not sure on the skunks but we have lots of raccoons in these parts and they've never tore up our yard like that but the moles do it pretty much every year. Prayers for your mom. Hope your week is off to a wonderful start.

  4. Jean, we are pretty sure it's skunks. It's not tunnels. We've fought off moles here for years and put in a windmill to chase them off. Thanks for the prayers. Mom's health is worrisome.


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