Friday, November 19, 2021

Lap Afghan ~ Ramblings

The finished lap afghan for Mom.  Now I can focus on finishing Daughter K's cardigan.  

Speaking of Mom, she has  5 appointments this week.  it's been stressful and a bit of a strain on life at home.  To take her, it's a 50 minute round trip, and some appointments last 1 1/2 hours.

If I ever win the lottery, I'm going to create a charity that has transport vans and give free service to families at least once a week. Including shopping. Yesterday she wanted more boxes of tissues (her closet is bursting with them already).  I'm thankful I have a good friend from high school (who went through the same thing) to talk to, get advice, etc.

It's been touch and go with her as well.  She has refused to be admitted to the hospital 3 times now (when the doctor insisted).  The other issue now is that the local EMS is using a bypass system.  The hospital closest to Mom can refuse EMS patients if the hospital had full capacity of covid patients and lack of staff.  The send patients to other hospitals further away.

I've been so busy, I have been lacking on things that really need done before we are buried in snow outside.  I decided to make yet another list, but keep on it when I am home.

I've been so busy, I finally got around to wash the camper bedding.  Seriously.  I realized I put it to the side in my utility room.  Sheesh.

My husband is frustrated with the lack of time we have to split wood as well.  We need a weekend to say "no" to everything and focus on the homestead work.


  1. It can be very frustrating, but you will never be able to replace the time you have with mom. I have had to learn that over the past several years, but imagine having two that need the attention, plus a mother in law that is very needy in the nursing home. I completely understand!!

  2. Bet you could make these without buying the instructions.

    Sorry with your Mom's condition and being so far away.

  3. Course Marie always had great finds on Friday. Maybe some will catch you eye, now that you have ALL THIS TIME ON YOUR HANDs, haha, ya right!

  4. Carol thank you for understanding. It is difficult.

  5. Mother Em, I will have to look that pattern up. Thanks.

  6. Mother Em, I just went to look at Friday Finds. Funny thing, is I have made the felt heart ornaments before and back when the kids were little I made one for every kid in their class at Christmas and hand wrapped them for them. Good memories.

  7. That’s really tough I know I have several cousins who are going through similar situations not too far from you in fact.

    I think the best thing for you to do is make a priority list .God your mother and your family everybody else can wait unless they’re bleeding. I know it’s hard to say no to people sometimes but you’re not gonna be any good to anybody if you’re so busy you can’t even think. Good luck and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  8. Your mother won't go to hospital and MIL jumps at the chance. Especially around holidays, it has been known to happen a time or three or four. Take care of you, you can't do anything for anybody if you are out of the loop. They are all on their own at that point, and you'll be surprise what they know how do things, when they "have" to.

  9. Faith, my Mom is very stubborn, and won't listen to the doctors and has bad memory when it comes to taking her meds.


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