Monday, November 22, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday


We had a long and busy weekend.  One day I took Mom to one of her appointments (and forgot to bring chicken food home), one day Hubby worked and I worked outside, and we had a family Thanksgiving Sunday (my husband's side of the family).  

I still had garden hoses that needed put away, garden stakes to put away, and other stuff.  I just couldn't get it done earlier with everything going on.  I got the camping coolers put away, dug out the leaf blower, because everyone was dragging leaves into the house.

My mind has been a whirlwind lately.  I literally brewed a pot of coffee without putting grounds in the filter.

Sorry for the lack of posts.  It's been a crazy schedule.

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. 

I will link up when she posts today.

The weather . . .

Sunday it rained all day long. Today it's 38°/25°F, Sunny

How I am feeling this morning . . .

Tired.  Woke up to dirty dishes in the sink and the dishwasher is next to the sink.  My husband hogged the covers, so I couldn't sleep and was up at 5:30am.

On my mind . . .

One list at a time, one task at a time....focus woman, focus.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Not sure.  I have to bake something.  Coffee so far.

Right now I am . . .

Posting this and sipping hot coffee in hopes to gain energy.

What I am wearing this morning . . .

Right now?  PJ's, robe and slippers.

On my TV . . .

Create TV (cooking channel), anything that looks good on netflix.

What I am listening to . . .

Radio station.

On the menu this week . . .

-Ham and navy bean soup
-Chicken Tortilla Soup
-Enchilada Soup
-Spiced Cod or Walleye
(all crockpot meals)

New recipe I tried . . .

Banana cake ( Sally's Baking Addiction).  I, however, swapped out the granulated sugar (cut it in half too) with monkfruit, cut 1/2 cup of the butter and used home canned unsweetened applesauce, used homemade vanilla, and sprinkled mini chocolate chips over the top vs. the cream cheese frosting.  I mainly tried this due to having bananas that needed used up.

It turned out delicious, but if I was gifting it to someone, I would definitely make the cream cheese frosting for it. I'd also add another 1/2 tsp. of cinnamon, walnuts (unless they have a nut allergy), and some nutmeg.

I'm trying new dessert recipes, so I can have good recipes on hand for when a friend or family could use help with meals.  A good friend of ours, suddenly lost her husband (very un-expectantly).  My go-to dessert has been my Mom's Cherry Delight.  However, the price of store bought pie filling is horrible right now.

From the camera . . .

(nothing sadly)

Looking around the house . . .

It's a hot mess.  

To relax this week I will . . .

Probably take a nap, ha ha!

On my prayer list . . .

Mom (her surgery is Tuesday to remove cancer from her leg), our good friend Becky who just lost her husband and has two boys.


  1. yup! I've made coffee without the coffee, and other various and sundry mind several place things...the blankets? We each have our own, so there is no hogging.Getting this done early this week, so I have time for thanksgiving things.

  2. Faith, thankfully we are not having a big meal here on Thursday, but a gathering another day with family.

  3. Enjoy your coffee and get busy. Love the recipe I do the same thing and send mh leftovers to Hubby's work.

  4. Sounds like you have a lot going on, hope you get a chance to take a few breaths and breathe this week. And get a bit better sleep. Sorry to hear of the loss of your friend's husband. Prayers for peace for her and her family. And for your mom's surgery to go well. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!


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