Monday, November 29, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

It was a long, stressful weekend.  My husband and I got Daughter K's car home safely.  He used a trick his nephew taught him (vs. paying a tow or towing the car home).  

The brake line on the front driver's side broke.  He and a friend of ours teamed up to work on it, but after a full day, and replacing both front lines, it was not repaired.  They kept running into more problems.  Now the brakes and rotors are getting replaced.

The girls have no idea how lucky they are.  If she had to go to a garage, the cost of all of this would be well over $1,000.00.

On top of that, Mom's car won't start.  It's the vehicle we transport her in to appointments.  My husband can't go look at it until next weekend.

We are getting snow, and I'm not liking it, but it is November.

I got my hair cut and a pampering hair treatment with Daughter E.  Funny story.  I gifted her a nail polish crocheted ornament and she put it up at her station at the salon.  Her manager came over and ooh'd and aww'd over it and placed an order for 6 ornaments to gift the other employees.  Photo below.

The only "black Friday" shopping I did, was a stop at JoAnn's to get 3 skeins of yarn on sale I wanted.  We were in town, so I just ran in and was happy to find some of what I needed.  The other colors I got ordered online with free shipping.  To be honest, the "deals" are not that great either.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .

42°/33°F, cloudy, windy

How I am feeling this morning . . .


On my mind . . . 

I just want Daughter K's car fully repaired so I have a vehicle this week. I'm starting to write out our Christmas meal.  

On the breakfast plate . . .

Not sure yet.  Will whip up something.

Right now I am  . . . 

Figuring out what to bake for breakfast.

What I am wearing  . . .

It's a sweatpants day for me.  Can't go anywhere anyway with us down one vehicle.

On my reading pile . . .

Nothing.  I'll probably not be reading anything until I finish the cardigan.

On today's to-do list . . .

Work on the bedroom closet

Bake a breakfast casserole



master bath

On my TV . . .

A Castle for Christmas (netflix), This Christmas (movie we own)

What I am listening to . . .

The radio.

On the menu this week . . .

-Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, corn
-Turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, etc
not sure on the rest just yet

New Recipe I Tried . . . 

I also tried a new Food Network breakfast casserole (make ahead type).  It was delicious.  I have access to organic "tator tots" and feel it's a crowd pleaser.  I will make this again, but with pre-cooked sliced organic potatoes.  Oh so good!  I may sneak a jalapeno in next time too.

From the camera . . .

Looking around the house . . .

It's looking much better.  I am getting more yarn put upstairs, and more cleaned up.  However, I may need to buy a few more totes, ha ha!

To relax this week, I will . . .


On my prayer list . . .

Mom, a friend's friend Greg in the hospital with covid, my friends with covid and their family


  1. Nail polish ornaments so cute! Neat idea!

  2. Those nail polish ornaments you made are so cute. You are very talented! Sorry to hear of all the car troubles, never any fun and super stressful I'm sure with the holidays approaching. The breakfast casserole looks yummy. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  3. I hate car trouble shes lucky Dad can help. I agree about Friday offers I bought new Christmas lights for outside.

  4. Wishing a quick recovery for your friends.
    Lovely nail polish ornaments.
    Hope the cars get fixed quickly and YES car repairs are very expensive :(

    Have a great week

  5. Those ornaments are so cute, no wonder why the owner wanted to special order some to give as gifts to the employees.

    God bless.

  6. Thank you Jean, we are encouraging Daughter K to get a better paying job. Her car won't last forever.

  7. Lisa, I don't usually shop black friday at all, but we were in town, and the price of yarn is way up. I just felt their offers were not that great overall though.

  8. Thanks Jackie, I think I will make some this winter for future craft shows. They are great to gift a hair stylist or nail tech


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