Friday, November 26, 2021

Different Thanksgiving Meal and a Crochet Mishap

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving day.  We literally stayed home the entire day.  It rained and was mostly a cloudy day.

My husband made tacos, I made black bean dip, and he also made queso.  Daughter K had to work, so we did a lunch "thing."  Daughter E came out and watched a movie with us and enjoyed some food.  Daughter T had a meal with her own family, and we never heard from the other 3 kids (yes we have six).

Just for the record, we have never done this on Thanksgiving.  We've either had a meal with family elsewhere or had a traditional meal here.  I actually enjoyed doing this.

While Daughter E was here, my husband changed her light bulb on her car.  One was out.  

We have a busy weekend starting today, but hopefully not so busy it's "stir crazy."

I finished the second sleeve to Daughter K's cardigan.  Guess what.  I put it up to the first one and guess who had to frog the entire first one?



The whole sleeve.   What did I do wrong with a rather easy half double crochet repeat pattern?

Well, rows 9-13 were repeated, but row 13 was a decrease.  I am re-doing the sleeve, and using a highlighter over row 13.

Lesson learned.  However, this has been the first "clothing" pattern I have crocheted.  I'm pretty proud of myself for even doing it.  However, Daughter got wind of it, and wants a summer halter top next.  At least it won't take as long, or use as much yarn.

I am glad for colder weather outside, so I can focus on the cardigan and get it done.  I think going back and forth over summer and last winter just messed me up.

Thanks for stopping in.  I do appreciate my blog followers.

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I apologize for having to monitor the comments, but I have gotten too many spam comments. I do appreciate all of your comments, and welcome them.