Friday, October 1, 2021

Sweet Potato Chili


Yesterday I made a double batch of sweet potato chili (click here to find the recipe).  I'll be delivering some to Mom and Daughter E.  We love this stuff.  Especially with a dollop of sour cream on top.

We are having the most beautiful weather right now.  Although my laundry is drying on racks inside.  Mower guy was coming over.

I'm working on a few new items regarding crochet work.  I hope to get a handiwork post up soon.


  1. Used to have outside clothes line and have not had a dryer since 1988, if you can believe that because we added on to our back porch. Since then, tree holding clothes line had to be taken down, so lines are stretched on back porch as well as one drying racks. So, I feel your pain of outside dry time.

    That chili looks good; will have to check it out. We are a make-a-big-pot-just-about-any-time-of-the-year and have leftovers through the week or freeze.

    Have a great day. Fall has finally arrived I believe.

  2. Mother Em, I love our clothesline. Yes, fall is finally here.


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