Thursday, September 30, 2021

Pulling what is left of the Garden and other chit chat

I should have pulled the last of the garden weeks ago, but you know how life goes.  I at least got the tomato plants and stakes pulled.  It's a start.  I'm still getting some hot peppers and picked one green bell pepper.

It's finally good weather to open the windows and left some fresh air inside.  The cool nights are so welcoming.

Daughter E is doing everything we have suggest to her to get better.  Our friend is home again, but on oxygen.

I baked us a strawberry crisp.  


  1. Üs too. I am not Fall planting in the garden and putting mine too bed.

  2. I am keeping my garden going as long as possible this year (not so in previous years.)
    Thankful for healing~

  3. I have some very small eggplants and bell peppers in the garden still. I am hoping that they get large enough to pick before we have another frost.

    God bless.

  4. Lisa, I am not fall planting either. Too many weeds. Covering it for the winter when it is all pulled.

  5. Lady Locust, I'm hoping for a few more bell peppers and greens.

  6. Jackie, I hope your eggplants and bell peppers grow more before the weather changes again.


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