Monday, October 4, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday


I dehydrated more rosemary, froze more mad hatter hot peppers, cleaned up the kitchen, and other housework.  My husband finally mounted the new solar post lights for the driveway (the old ones were broken and knocked off by the snow plow last winter).  The new lights are screwed into the poles, so nothing can be blown off this winter.

Hubby also fixed a toilet that was running.  We have one that has those buttons to flush on the tank.  After helping him, I told him I'd rather replace it with a handle flush, when we need to replace it in the future.  It was not fun to work on.

Daughter E is back to work and feeling much better.  She now, after having us deliver food when she was sick, wants to learn how to cook (ha ha!).  

Several friends and family have either just gotten over covid or have it currently (including a baby that had to be rushed to a hospital for oxygen).

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.
I'll link up when she posts.

Breakfast time . . . what is on the plate this morning . . .
Not sure yet.

Looking around the house . . .
My kitchen looks much better this morning.  We have much on our to-do list before winter though.

On today's to-do list . . .
-sweep/mop kitchen
-master bath
-dehydrate hot peppers
-roast a few pie pumpkins
-bake a breakfast

Currently reading . . .

On the TV . . .

The weather outside is . . .
70's with the possibility of rain all week long.

On the menu this week . . .
-grilled burgers and roasted asparagus (with rosemary)
-I have no idea for the rest of the week at this moment

If I have a few minutes to myself I will . . .
Most likely crochet.

New recipe I tried or want to try . . .
Nothing right now.

One of my simple pleasures . . .
Watching cooking shows on TV

Something fun to share . . .
I have nothing today.

Favorite photo from the camera . . .
I have nothing today.

Praying for . . .
Mom, baby Easton and his Dad Michael.


  1. Mmmmm pumpkin pies..... roast them??

    Happy Monday!!

  2. Glad your daughter is feeling better. prayers for those in need.
    Have a good week

  3. Jodi, yes, I'll roast them and then puree them and freeze it.

  4. Glad your daughter is feeling better. Prayers for the rest of your friends and family dealing with it. Do you use a dehydrator or your oven for herbs and peppers? Trying to figure out what to do with our very small crop of things. Hope you have a great week!

  5. Looks like you are busy with Winter coming. Hope you have a blessed week.

  6. Jean I use a dehydrator, but if your oven goes low enough temperature-wise that will work, and also I heard an air fryer has a dehydrate setting.


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