Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Fire Powder and Ramblings

My hot pepper plants still give-ith.  If there is such a word.  This mess was ground up and put on parchment paper in the dehydrator.  Once dry, it will be ground into, what I call, Fire Powder.

I haven't had time to pull anything else from the garden.  Now we are dodging rainfall for the entire week.

I attempted to get my to-do list tackled, but it rolled over into today.  I did however, remember to drain a jar of homemade vanilla extract I had sitting on my counter for a few days.

Last weekend I bought the Sunday paper.  I haven't read a local newspaper in a long, long, long time.  The comics were the only good thing in it.  I remember as a kid we'd take silly puddy and press it onto the comics.  Dad would save the comics for wrapping paper.  Oh the good ol' days.


  1. Yes! I remember that Silly PUtty trick. I quit taking our local paper years ago. Hubby fought me to go digital, but I love holding a newspaper (and a book! I don't "Kindle.") But even I could see that getting that paper was such a waste of money! When we stay in hotels, I always grab the complimentary newspaper. Our garden is so overgrown! Yesterday I coaxed both granddaughters to brave the knee-high weeds (they're 6 and 7) to pick the last of the zinnias and marigolds. We lost all of August and September due to Hubby's 87 year old dad being hospitalized with COVID, so we went out-of-state to stay with his mom. We then cleaned out their house and moved into a Skilled Nursing Facility. Then I got COVID and was stuck at home and then my baby brother died suddenly from a heart attack. No one has had any energy/emotion to spend on a garden. Yesterday, I did put those last summer flowers around the house and decorated the porch for fall. Baby steps....

  2. Blogger I fear is taking a hit to fb,ig,yt. People want instant information/gratification. While I do like yt, I still really like blogging, it is another creative outlet, or can be if one had mojo. I'm hoping what is old will be new again. Blogging is fun, if you have something to talk about My Rosemary plant isn't very big, but I should take a few snippets off and dry them. No leaf changing here yet, seems late this year.

  3. M. Meyers, I am so sorry to hear about your baby brother. I too love to hold a real newspaper or books.

  4. Faith, I agree. I don't use anything but fb, but you are probably right. I love writing my blog, but see less and less to read anymore. Not much changing in color here either. I'm glad though. It will feel like a longer fall this year.

  5. I definitely remember using Silly Putty on the comics.

    God bless.

  6. My hot pepper are still giving too. Making some pepper sauce . I love the comics :


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