Thursday, October 14, 2021

Baking Donuts and Tidbits


I dug out the donut pan and baked some pumpkin/cardamom donuts.   

The results?  Well, they were good and dense.  However, I felt the recipe I tried, lacked in flavor.  I'd add more cinnamon and nutmeg to it.  They were very easy to make, and I'd consider trying other recipes, just for kicks  This recipe used a small amount of butter, and I used half whole wheat flour.

It's something "fun" for a gathering, or when you need individual servings and don't want to bake bread and slice it.

(Recipe is online with Kitchen Addiction)

I sat down yesterday and wrote a letter to my only living Aunt.  I realized I have not been in touch with her.  I am glad I kept stationary now.  Although it's much quicker to type a letter, I do love the ol' pen and paper.

The weather is beautiful, but it appears rain is possible towards the weekend.  I don't have much to pull from the garden.  The rest is in grow bags.


  1. I, too, love a handwritten letter. Two years ago when I broke my ankle and was in a chair for weeks, the “little old ladies” from church sent me handwritten chatty letters. It was wonderful! So I began writing letters while I was housebound. I’ve also read that historians bemoan the fact that few people keep diaries or write letters. They are such a wealth of information down the roads of history. I’ve made baked donuts before but, to me, they’re just muffins in a different shape. They are cute, though!

  2. No I want a donut pan to add to my collection. My Mom was always the letter writer in our family. She is missed.

  3. M. Meyers and Lisa, I got the donut pan free from hosting an online pampered chef party for a friend. I realized I had never used it and thought why not. But yes, they would be great at muffins or bread too.


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