Monday, September 27, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday


We had a beautiful sunrise Sunday morning.  After shopping for Mom and Daughter E (and door dashing), we retired at the house with playing cards on the porch.  We have been exhausted, so I'm hoping we both revived after last night's good sleep.  

I should have taken a photo of the cat food at Meijer yesterday.  Both Kroger and our Meijer in the "Big City" are bare.  There wasn't much to choose from, to buy for Mom's cats.

We stopped at 3 stores yesterday, and the shelves at Dollar Tree were bare as well.  We were able to buy Mom 5 boxes of tissues though.

The big "Bash" held in the "Big City" had 30 vendors not show up.  I haven't participated in the event in the last two years, but may next year if covid is not spreading as bad as it is this year.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. I will link up when she posts.  As you can see below, I have a lot on my to-do list.

On the breakfast plate . . . 
I'm thinking I'll bake a frittata of some sort.

Looking around the house . . .
There is a lot to do, since we were busy all weekend and took Sunday afternoon off to get some relaxation.

On today's to-do list . . .
-check potatoes in the garden
-tidy the kitchen
-unload the dishwasher
-bake a breakfast of some sort
-bake a crisp requested by my husband
-yank tomato plants
-replant indoor cilantro and parsley
-blanch and freeze greens
-slice up bell peppers for hubby's lunches
-start another jar of 4 thieves vinegar
-start sage and mullein tinctures
-start cleaning up computer area to prep and remove counters and whatnot to plan our weekend to rip up the kitchen floor
-make onion powder
-make calls to check in on Mom and Daughter E
-roast, puree and freeze pumpkins
-dehydrate basil, parsley and rosemary

(in no particular order, and for the week)

Currently reading . . . 

On the TV . . .
Army of One

The weather outside is . . .
A bit windy, low 80's, sunny

On the menu . . .
-Sweet Potato Chili
-breakfast for dinner

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will . . .
Most likely crochet and watch cooking shows if they are on.

New recipe I tried or one I want to try this week . . .
I still want to try the Kentucky pie, but my husband wants a crisp baked, so we shall see.

One of my simple pleasures . . .
Writing my blog.

Something fun to share . . .
I have nothing to share.

Favorite photo from the camera . . .

Praying for . . .
-Mom (health issues due to heart failure), Daughter E (has covid), our friend Hope (hospitalized due to covid) and her husband Steve (also has covid but at home), our friends L and M (recovering from covid)


  1. Good morning my friend! What a beautiful sunrise.
    Will be thinking of your mom and hopefully daughter E will pass through Covid like a breeze. also thinking of your friends with Covid. seems like alot with covid around you :(

    Going to be a busy day for you!

    Have a great week

  2. Luludou, thank you. Yes, cases are spreading like crazy with so many in town big outdoor events. Have a great week too.

  3. What beautiful sunrise photos! Many healing prayers to your daughter and friends with Covid. And for your mother's health as well. Hope you stay healthy and have a good week!

  4. Thanks Jean. We 3 here are healthy, and pray it stays that way.


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