Sunday, September 26, 2021

Cleaning ~ Weddings and Door Dashing


I spent Friday cleaning, washing laundry, tidying up, and sanitizing.

It was a great day to dry laundry outside on the line.  Pretty windy too.

I also spent my day making calls to check in on Mom and Daughter E.  Daughter E sounds like she is doing okay, and well supplied with anything to help her heal faster.  

Saturday we had two weddings.  One was outside, and we took camping chairs and sat way away from everyone.  The other one was way under way by the time we arrived, and hardly anyone there.  We literally spent 15 minutes are less there and went home.  We were exhausted, because we did a door dash for Daughter E, and did a check in on Mom.

We plan to do two door dashes today and then we plan on being back home to have a day of relaxation.  

Other than checking in on Mom and Daughter E, we plan on staying in our hidey hole from now on and working on things at the house.  No kids birthday parties, gatherings etc.  Our one friend with covid is now in the hospital with low oxygen.  Stay safe my friends.

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