Sunday, August 8, 2021

Moving Out and other ramblings


Daughter E moved out.  She will be back next week to clean up the remainder of what she left (but I'm insisting it all goes with her).  I've already started to clean the carpet on one side of her room, and in the same process, purging the garage.

Our workout equipment may get moved to her old room.  I guess we'll see.  We got rid of a lot of stuff in the garage, put some things out for free by the road, and took a huge truck load of stuff to recycling.  Thankfully, recycling is still open.

I'll be back out to water all the gardens this morning.  Once again, the rain did not arrive.  I may check out some road side produce stands today.  Our zucchini and yellow squash is doing terrible.  If they are bad (because they grow like weeds), you can tell how bad it is this year for us.

I purged a large storage cupboard in my utility room, and sanitized it, washed up everything (dust), and have it all ready for the canning/freezing (if that happens).

The new printer arrived early, and is all set up.  I just need to scan a few recipes for a co-worker of my husband's, and make sure that feature works.

I went to Wal-mart for totes for yarn (to also move upstairs).  They had 2 of the size I needed, but no lids.

The products are just not available.

Oh, and I found out why there is a chip shortage for cars.  Our close friend works for a vehicle manufacturer.  He said they stopped making them when everything was shutdown, anticipating low or zero sales.  When everything opened back up, people starting buying again, and they didn't have the supply ready.

We talked to a local restaurant owner over the weekend.  She said she is "done" with all of this nonsense.  She said they will not put up partitions, nor require masks.  The owner said they are all just tired of it.


  1. Wow, your daughter must have had a lot of stuff (she sneak some of yours in the truck?). Good to fill up her room so she can't move back!

    Guess with schools and colleges back at it, most of the storage bins are gone; but the tops, amazing how those disappear. Probably over in clothes section, haha!

    Good luck with the restaurant owner; hope the best for them with the Delta and other new variants yet to come.

    Have a great week.

  2. I only got one zucchini out of my garden this year and three white scalloped...that's it. I need to check out the local produce stands and Amish farms and see what I can come up with that way, as well. I've noticed that a lot of the shelves are empty here, too, and have wondered what is going on. I'm glad I've got a good supply of basics put away at the moment. By the way, I thought of you recently when I started my new embroidery project. The iron-on transfers that I borrowed from my granddaughter feature cute little campers and camping sayings. Not sure why it reminded me of you, but it did. Have a great week ahead!

  3. Mother Em, she literally rented too big of a truck, but it would have been perfect for all of her items. She has a desk for a make up desk she didn't take, and a big desk that will require more than us to move downstairs (or take apart). She just got tired and decided to come back with her car for the rest, and leave one desk (which will be donated). We'll move the larger desk with our truck when we have time.

  4. Rebecca, everyone I've talked to, said the same thing. I can't even get zucchini from my husband's co-workers this year. So frustrating. That's funny about the embroidery. In the past I made cloth napkins for the camper with camping transfers.

  5. It seems like totes get low on stock every year at this time - packing to send kids off to school. Now add the virus related shortages and shipping delays... maybe I will bring back those plastic drawers from sister's house. I waited a while before changing DS's room into the sewing annex a bit at a time. First the closet was filled with quilt fabric. Then the ironing board moved in, then I got the insulation panels for a design wall... Sadly now it's every bit full as my office/sewing room is. We had room in the attic that he could leave his childhood toys in since he was moving into a small apartment with a girl.

    My garden isn't doing much this year either. First I didn't get things set out or planted until the first week of June. Then I had issues with seeds not germinating. Finally I'm getting some green beans and cherry tomatoes. One tomato plant I started from seed stayed about 1 inch tall until a couple of weeks ago - now it's a whopping 4 inches tall. The delicata squash from saved seed seems to be doing OK so far. It's just been a freaky odd year except for the weeds which never have issues. Maybe I need to investigate which are edible or medicinal. I know dandelion, purslane, and lambs quarter are edible (but getting DH to eat them???), and plantain good for stings. Beyond that...???

  6. JustGail, yeah, gardening is frustrating this year for sure, and finding what I need in the store is about the same.


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