Saturday, August 7, 2021

Discovery for the Camper ~ More Hot Banana Peppers

 I found these while looking for a portable table for the camper.

They are very cool!  They are compact when not in use (store in the camper easily), and turn into a stool.  We use them in the camper for nightstands next the camper bed, and they have a strap to carry on hiking and fishing.

I dug out my camping journal, because I forgot to take it the last time we went camping.  I have it updated now.  I cannot wait to add more trips to this journal.  We first used to borrow a pop-up camper in our first family camping trips, and made our coffee over the campfire.

I had 4 hot banana peppers, so those were put in the freezer.  They are coming on early this year, so hopefully I will have more for canning and jelly making.

Good news!  Blogger is fixed, so I can view my reading list now.  I'll be back around to read blogs.


  1. RE freezing banana peppers: do you do anything other than slice? Ours are starting to come in. Thank you!

  2. Glad you got your Blogger fixed. Sometimes it can be so frustrating.
    I have a camper journal that I started when we got our new camper. COVID put the kabosh to camping last year but we took a trip to NC in July and we're headed to Maine in September. Trying to get a few trips in before "you know what" shuts us down again! Have a great weekend.

  3. M.Myers, I just slice, flash freeze and bag for the freezer. That way they don't all stick together when I need to use some.

  4. Debi, same here with camping. No trips last year and 2 so far this year, and hoping to get a few more in the fall.


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