Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Tuesday Tidbits

The weekend weather really put a damper on garden work and our motorcycle ride plans.  I however, was back to extreme cleaning in the utility room.  It's a big room - coat storage, school supply, canning supply, DIY supply and other storage.  It's 98% done now.

The weather was awful.  Cold, early mornings in the 40's, windy and rain.  The wind was so bad there was flooding up by the lake shore and the ferry shut down for 2 days.  The wind blew the chicken gate open and they were out happily free ranging for a bit ha ha!

I lost 10 tomato plants to the cold weather too.  Ugh. So far, I am unable to locate any plants to replace them.  I sure hope this is not a sign of how the year will be.

I am happy to see my cherry bomb seeds are sprouting.  They'll be a bit behind the other hot pepper plants, but I'm happy to find the seeds.


  1. Friday not so good here in NE OHIO, Sat,Sun & Monday were very nice, cleaned out the garage, grilled out, and did some work in the yard/garden. Up and down temps not good for my tomatoes.

  2. Nice that you were able to get inside work done since the weather wasn't cooperative.

  3. Faith, yeah, the up and down was not good and now I cannot (as of so far) find any paste tomato plants. Sigh...

  4. Chasity, yes, I am thrilled to get the utility room in order finally.


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