Saturday, May 29, 2021

Water Glassing Eggs ~ Stocking Up ~ Preparedness


Don't mind my reflection in the bowl, ha ha!  I took the picture outside.  I cracked it outside.  Just in case things went bad with this water glassing process. I put them in the solution back in October of 2020.

I followed the instructions from Backyard Poultry.  I took one out to bake something.  The process worked great.  You do need fresh clean eggs and cannot use store bought eggs to do this.

I baked strawberry banana bread with the egg.


  1. As a family that usually has more eggs than we know what to do with, I have thought about trying this. I will learn more about it and see if I think I can do it.

  2. Carol, I was skeptical at first, but it worked.

  3. Yum what a great combo strawberry πŸ“and banana bread . I always have that in smoothie but never bread. Have a great weekend.

  4. I wish I would have known this when I had my hens. Will have to add it to my book for when I get more. Glad to know it works! 😁

  5. Lisa, I also bake strawberry blueberry muffins. Yum.

  6. Lady Locust, if you can find someone that sells eggs, just ask them to not wash them and stock up that way too. I have a friend that plans to do that.

  7. Oh! I have always thought eggs are boiled first. This is brilliant idea.

  8. Ulvmor, I am so glad I came across the article. I think it was sent via Grit magazine to my email, but glad I found out about it.


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