Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Strawberry Season


Today I'll be freezing most of these bad boys.  We have already had a cold strawberry pie, but there is one more frozen one I would like to try.  It's been hot, hot, hot here, so frozen sounds great.

We got lots of rain yesterday, but it stopped shortly after dinner time and the sun came out.  Our road almost flooded, but this year, a farmer's son came out and cleaned the drain that goes from his field to a branch of the river and then out to the river.  Thankfully it drained.  However, more rain is in the forecast.

I feel like my to-do list keeps getting bigger and bigger ha ha!  I am trying to balance some indoor jobs based on when the rain is going on outdoors.

My additional grow bags finally arrived, so we'll be busy filling those this week.  Our mower quit on us.  We had to borrow a trailer an haul a borrowed mower in for our "mower guy."  Hopefully we can get ours fixed.  

The garden work has put a huge limit on my handiwork time.  Heck, reading a book has been on halt for a long time too. inwardly groaning about what I need to get done today, ha ha!  Oh boy.  


  1. Summer does bring more and more work to a farm. I have a list so long of things to do, but with the rain it has been almost impossible.

  2. Those strawberries look delicious!

  3. Carol, it's been raining here off and on for days. The struggle is real.

  4. Yummy, those strawberries look delicious.


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