Thursday, June 10, 2021

Grilling ~ New Recipe Tried ~ Dehydrating


We got more rain yesterday and woke up to a foggy start for the day.  More rain possible today.

Santa Fe Chicken Fajita marinade (for the grill). First time in a year to have to buy organic bell peppers.  There is a cold salad/relish that is great with this, but I do not have a green pepper.

New recipe tried - Strawberry Cheesecake Ice box Pie.  Yeah, I cheated on the crust, but I didn't have the crust ingredients on hand.  I froze it, then topped it with remaining whipped cream and froze again.   It's been tried and sampled.  It's not thick like a cheesecake, but more on the lighter side.  Everyone loved it.  The strawberries are pureed with a bit of orange juice.  I think it was called an "ice cream" pie, but I'll look for it and link it up here later.

9 trays of oregano went into the dehydrator.

I got my green onion starts in the ground before the rain arrived again.



  1. It has been raining days here as well. I am so over the rain! I haven't been to check on the garden today, but I will tomorrow.

  2. Rain here too, May was the worst month for rain in 50 years. The strawberry pie looks delicious.

  3. Carol, I hope it is not a repeat of the very wet year we had a few years ago.

  4. mamasmercantile, thank you the pie was delicious.


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