Monday, May 3, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

Today is the day Daughter E looks at the apt.  I'm still not ready for this. I finished her hot pads.

She loves them.  Go figure, the color Daughter T wants light blue.  I have one ball in all the yarn I have.  Wal-mart is a sorry place to shop for the yarn I love anymore.  They are selling a different brand, and balls are smaller.  I don't like what Hobby Lobby sells (higher price) and Meijer doesn't sell much of it (cotton).  My husband picked out a variegated blue.  I will be checking with her to see if she likes it or not.

I haven't even thought about my to-do list yet.  It's been a weekend of riding.  Our birthdays are coming up, so we are talking about that, and dinner plans.  

One of the bike rides we had planned, was to head to the cemetery to place my solar cross on Dad's plot, but Hubby invited others to ride, and we ended up elsewhere.  That's okay, it's sort of a private thing to do on our own anyway, so the cross light is still in the saddle bag.

I know I need to make some egg salad for a quick lunch.  I need to check laundry, and figure out a day to go get my hair cut, but otherwise I haven't drawn up a to-do plan this week. Oh, I need to make homemade laundry soap for sure.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. 

The weather outside is . . .

Rain.  68°F/61°.  A lot of rain in the forecast over the next two weeks.  I sure hope we can get some tilling and planting in.  It will also make hardening my plants difficult.

How I am feeling this morning . . .

Exhausted.  We rode the bike all weekend, and even had the largest group on Sunday (21 bikers), but the wind was horrible.

On the breakfast plate . . .

I most likely make a breakfast casserole.  We had burritos last week, so I'd like to eliminate the flour.

On my reading pile . . .

Nothing.  Mostly your blogs ha ha!  I just haven't been in the reading kind of mood.  I'm starting to think I'm a vacation or seasonal type of reader.  I tend to take a book to the island, but end up playing cards or going to listen to live music.  I tend to crochet on long truck rides vs. read too.

On my TV . . .

Godless, Netflix

Greater.  Based on a true story.  I bawled my eyes out.  If you want to see what my daughter looked like when she found out her boyfriend died in an accident, the mother's reaction was similar to hers.

On the menu this week . . .

-slow cooker tomato basil chicken, quoina, roasted rosemary asparagus

-sheet pan dinner

-baked chicken, veggie


From the camera . . .

Looking around the house . . .

Well, I've almost finished the spring cleaning in the master bedroom, so my options are the utility room and room leading to garage.  If Daughter E moves out, it'll be the master walk-in closet first.  

To relax this week, I will . . .

I honestly have no idea.  I normally crochet.  We'll see I guess.

Something I want to share . . .

I tired two new recipes last week.  Just zip on over to my previous post for the recipe links.

Devotional, inspirational, prayer list or Bible verse . . .


  1. Those pretzels look amazing! I really need to get on with some spring cleaning around here. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. Jean thank you. They are very good too.

  3. The hot pads look great! I'm glad you mentioned egg salad, think I'll make some for lunches as well.

  4. Honestly, I buy most of my yarn on line!

    Mary Maxim has some good deals every so often.

    Hobbii in Denmark offers free shipping after a certain spend and has beautiful cotton yarns to pick from

  5. 50 and counting, I have been ordering online as well. I just didn't want to pay shipping for one ball of yarn.

  6. Love the quote. And like your daughter I love the dish clothes color. Have a great week.

  7. Looks like a great ride with friends. Yum, now I have a craving for pretzels.
    Have a great week

  8. Thanks Luludou, the pretzels were very good.


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