Thursday, May 20, 2021

Good Day for a Pie ~ Dry Skies


Garden goodness yesterday.  More asparagus and first cutting of rhubarb this year.

Although I need a trip to the "big city" for supplies, I decided to surprise my husband with a strawberry rhubarb pie.  It's been quite a long time since I have baked any pie.  Oh my, I must not have had enough coffee before starting on this, ha ha ha!  I grabbed my deep dish pan and didn't realize it until I put the filling in, then I didn't cut the lattice pieces that even.  

However, I cut exactly enough rhubarb for the recipe.  I use the recipe found at Sally's Baking Addition.  I use pie crust crumble crust recipe from King Arthur (where you freeze the dough and add ice water when you pull it from the freezer to use).

Rain has not arrived as predicted, and things are very very dry outside.  Watering it all by hand, and thankful I haven't yet got the vegetable garden in.  However, the dry ground is making it difficult for tilling.


  1. The pie looks yummy,thanks for the recipe! p.s. thanks for the tick recipe on your last post. Think I'll give it a try.

  2. Oh my, that looks good! I have to water the garden here, also.


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