Friday, April 2, 2021

Random Tidbits

About mid-morning yesterday, it snowed. Yes, that's right.  Snow.  Cold and snow.  

I found out yesterday, that due to the restrictions still forced upon us in our state, Ohio Bike Week 2021 has been canceled.  Two years in a row now.  They instead are holding a spring rally at the Harley dealer.  We are all so tired of the restrictions in our state.  Just so tired of it all.  It's really wearing us all down mentally.

Daughter K went to town to get a hair cut from her sister, so I joined along.  I pampered myself with a conditioning treatment - coconut and tea tree oil.

Getting out of the house is fun, but sick of the mask mandate.  My hometown extended their own mandate until late June.  

Speaking of mandates, our Gov. has said he doesn't plan to free us until end of April or in May.  It's getting ridiculous.  I also feel that the longer he locks us down, the more families are not getting together, and the lack of that is mentally and physically stressing (depressing) us out.

The girls are having problems with their face breaking out from the mask wearing.  I mixed up a carrier oil with tea tree oil and had them dab it on with a Q-tip (avoiding eye areas).  Works much better for them than anything sold in stores.

Okay, off my soapbox...

I got home in time to make a sheet pan dinner.  I did not expect to spend Easter weekend like this.  Sigh.  My husband is working today and it is a Holiday day, meaning he was to automatically have it off.  He is not.  He's working a 3rd 16 (double shift) day today.

I learned something new while watching a different cooking channel a few days back.  I can't wait to try it this summer.  If it works as they say, I'll be sharing it later this summer.  


  1. Things are not consistant across any board anywhere in the US, let alone Ohio. We took a couple of days and drove south and stayed at a cabin last weekend. Everywhere we went there were more people w/o mask than with them. There are signs to social distance, and if you choose to wear a mask that's fine and if you don't then don't. He really cannot be serious about running again for Governor does he? Have a beautiful Easter with your family. It is a joke now, it's either bad or it isn't. On/off should be a personal choice.

  2. Faith, in Florida, we didn't have to wear a mask at all. I can't believe he's running for Gov. again. There is a man running against him with the last name Blystone, and two others I think. Happy Easter to you too!


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