Saturday, April 3, 2021

Easter Meal Prep ~ Another Cold Day


Friday I did some Easter meal prep . . .

Cooked bacon for crock pot BBQ green beans.

Baked carrot cake.

Made roll dough.

Made pineapple pie.  Just have to top it with whipped cream.

Guess who was up at the crack of dawn?  Me.  My husband got the weekend off, but forgot to shut off his 5:30am alarm.

Hopefully our cold weather days are done now.  We are to gradually warm up again.

Something I noticed at the grocery store - the water refill station is now open again.  They have had it closed for a year.  It's easier and cheaper to get water by the gallon in another location, but sometimes it's more convenient at the store.  So happy to see that.

Have a wonderful Easter weekend!

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