Saturday, March 20, 2021

Question ~ From Pile to File Recipe

 Has anyone  purchased this book?

“The Medicinal Herb Grower” book–volume 1, by Richo Cech

I am unable to borrow it from our library (or interloan).  I am wondering if it's worth purchasing, considering I have purged a log of my books recently.

Tried a new dessert recipe.  I had some orange gelatin on hand, so it was a go for me.
(Trying this brand for the first time too)

I had all the other ingredients oddly.  Results?  Very good!  Although my husband says "more pecans" ha ha!  He does love pecans.


  1. It does look delicious. Pecans and peaches yummy!

  2. Hi Kristina, no I'm sorry don't have the book. Did you hear are Governor is running for re election. Are you kidding me? Supposed to be nice tomorrow, I suppose you'll be out in the your yard doing gardening...enjoy me too!

  3. mamasmercantile, I will keep this recipe for get togethers from now on.

  4. Faith, I did see that, but did you see the man in Ohio going after his seat? Blystone? I bet he'll have many supporters after they way Dewine has treated us.


I apologize for having to monitor the comments, but I have gotten too many spam comments. I do appreciate all of your comments, and welcome them.