Friday, March 19, 2021

Day Out ~ Purge Continues and other ramblings

Daughter K had a day off so we decided to go shopping.  Local store shopping in a quaint little town. I picked up some interesting items for the girls for "Easter baskets."  I found locally made honey lollipops, and some old fashioned candies made in the USA (sold at locally owned businesses).  

The weather was miserable outside - rain, high winds, gloomy.  It was a perfect reason to get out and enjoy ourselves for once. Some would do the opposite, but out of the house it was.

My purge/extreme clean is back in action.  I've filled 3 boxes of books, two more of misc. items, and now donating a travel case.  We had one for camping and one for traveling anywhere else (when we drive).  The bike is different for overnight stuff.  Anyway, I decided the one we use more often holds more in the top tray, and I have one less case to store in my closet.

Oh, and because we both started purging clothing, I was much better at shopping on vacation.  I literally came home with one Harley Davidson top and love it (from St. Augustine, FL).  I have to say, I felt much better about my self control on buying clothing there.   

Much has been on my mind lately, including getting raised beds built.  We hope to be back to finishing the hallway this weekend and other jobs too.

1 comment:

  1. If we stayed in with horrible weather, we would always be in at the moment lol!!!!! I have finally completed the wardrobe purge and I must admit I do feel much better for doing it.


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