Monday, March 15, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

My husband and I, along with Daughter E, took a week long vacation.  It was much needed.  We are sick of feeling like prisoners in our own state.

Six states have lifted restrictions now, including mask mandates.  It should be that way across the states.  Anyway, we vacationed mask free!!  Best feeling in the world.  Our first stop in TN to gas trucks up, was the best feeling too - no mask required to enter the gas station.

When we ate out, we ate local and shopped local (other than a visit to a Harley store in St. Augustine, Florida). Even coffee shop stops were local.

While I was gone, I left my seedlings in the hands of Daughter K.  How did it go?

Pretty good I'd say.  I'll be getting the heat lamps on some of them today.  

I can say it wasn't the best overall bike week vacation for us.  

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom

(will link when she posts)

The weather outside is . . .

42/36°F, right now feels like 17°F

How I am feeling this morning . . .

Happy to be home, other than not happy the Governor hasn't lifted restrictions here.  I do have a messy house to tidy up, but overall glad to be back in our own home.  I got a good nights sleep despite two days of driving (about 16 hours).

On my breakfast plate . . .

Have no idea

On my reading pile . . .

Nothing right now.

On my TV . . .

To be honest, nothing much.  Hit the hay early last night.  I will have to find something new to watch.

On the menu this week . . .

-Spaghetti, green beans

....have no idea until I check my freezer/pantry stock today

From the camera . . .

I thought it was funny to see a palm tree and barn together.

St. Augustine, Florida.  We ate at local here and the grouper was so good.  We can't get grouper up here and it was worth the stop.

Our lake view at Ponoma Park, FL. Worst location to pick for bikers.  We were not allowed to use the garage so the bikes were unloaded and loaded to the trailer every night, and it had a 1/4 mile sand road access, so the bikes had to be driven thru a hilly yard to a neighbor's long drive that had less sand.

Alligator Farm we visited (like a zoo).

Flagler Beach, Florida.   I think if we return next year, we'd like to be here instead.  We ate at a local restaurant called the Funky Pelican and tried their mahi mahi.  Very good too.  They had no grouper on the menu here, but we had beachside seating and could keep an eye on our daughter.

Looking around the house . . .
Oh boy, oh boy.  I knew that Daughter K works every day and didn't expect much done, so it's housework, laundry, dishes etc this week.  We also need to finish the hallway flooring and trim.

To relax this week I will . . .
Honestly, just chill with my husband.  He was so mentally stressed that just getting home was a mental relief.

Something I want to share . . .
I have nothing today.  First day home from vacation.

Devotional, prayer, quote . . .


  1. Welcome back Kristina, was getting worried about you! Maybe you should invite those Florida folks to your place and show them some real hospitality! Or not!

  2. Thanks Debby, glad to be back home where I can cook good food for sure. I do have a mountain of laundry, but I'd rather do it here than fight for the washer down in FL. That was another issue. Anyway, glad to be back.

  3. Glad you were able to get away for a bit. Sorry your vacation didn't go as planned. Hope you have a great week back at home!

  4. Jean, thanks. I'm already feeling mentally better back home.

  5. Wow, so-called friends can show their "true colors," right? We had property at Palm Coast and have a lot in Bunnell, but love, love Flagler Beach. Hope you got to the little farmers market there on Saturday, maybe Friday too. I always have my eye out for a mobile home in Flagler but the HOA is truly too high. Maybe after snowbirds go home, haha. You ever go back, check out Palm Coast Villas on A1A or Holiday Beach Resort in Palm Coast (we used to have a time share we swapped for that Resort years ago). With the Covid-denying Florida these days, probably aren't going back any day soon. Have a great week ahead.

  6. Oh how I miss Florida! I am hoping to make my way back down soon! Love your quote!! Happy Monday!

  7. Mother Em, funny you mention Bunnell. We ate at a local place called Chicken Pantry. The best fried chicken we have ever tasted there.

  8. Jodi, Florida was amazing. Of course the best weather day there was the day we had to pack up and leave, but still enjoyed it.

  9. Ooooh... thoughts of Florida... the frontiers will not open for awhile yet I think.
    Glad you got to go on vacation even though it didn't quite turn out as you thought.
    Have a great week

  10. Thanks Luludou, almost everything in FL was fully open and only a few small businesses requiring a mask. It was so freeing to not have to wear one in and out etc. at restaurants too.


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