Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Back at the Helm at Home


Woke up to one beautiful sunrise yesterday on our first morning back home.  Just gorgeous.

The day started with firing up the wood stove, much laundry, housework, putting travel stuff away and baking.

Did a quick check on the mailbox, chickens and such.  I'll probably hire someone to chicken sit if I am gone for a week anytime this year.  It was too much for Daughter K, as she worked almost every single day.

Breakfast was thrown together with zucchini and dandelion greens.  I need to go shopping for some sweet potatoes.

I took yarn for the drive for our recent vacation.  I hope to share updates on what I got made soon.

I wrote up a to-do list for when we returned from vacation, but low and behold, I can't remember where I put it.  I'm sure I won't run out of things to do, but found it funny.  

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