Monday, February 1, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

The hallway flooring project continues, and yes we had some hiccups to delay the final edging of the steps.  Heck we didn't get any trim done either.

My brain wasn't working when I bought the new blinds.  I scrubbed both hallway windows, and we installed one.  Only to find out I bought the wrong ones (too short).  We got a good laugh, loaded them into the truck and luckily they had two left of the right length. 

We love the new blinds.  They had 3 brackets and the blinds snapped right in.  No messing around with metal slide in brackets.  Oh, the best part?  They are cordless and I love, love, love that.  I'll have photos to share as we get closer finishing (which could take 2-3 more weekends at this rate).

Over the weekend, I managed to clean the very top shelf in a kitchen cupboard.  Guess what I found? 

Ha ha ha!  The girls seem to think we tried using them for bottle feeding the kids (baby goats).  They may be right.  I found three that are going to be donated.  I know we used pop bottles and special bottle nipples for the goats.  I haven't found them yet, but there are more cupboards to purge yet.

I'm also tickled pink I found storage baskets that fit the very top cupboard, and they have a low handle, so us tall people can easily reach, and pull down the basket (makes better use of the space and we don't have to stand on anything to get to that shelf).  I need about 3 more, but thrilled they were only $1 each.  Best inexpensive storage idea yet.

 I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. 

I'll link up when she posts.

 The weather outside is. . .

14°F, snowing and blowing and a brisk cold wind out of the northeast.  Nasty weather.  There is really bad drifting over the roads. Daughter K got home last night and said the roads in the county she works were all clear.  Once she hit our county the roads were terrible.  I saw one snow plow yesterday.  They are really bad at keeping our roads clear.  There are many delays, some closings and our county and others are under level 1 emergency.

How I am feeling this morning . . .

Cold.  The northeast wind makes this house so cold.

On my mind . . . 

I need to get more netting cut.  I have to push 10 yards over the kitchen table, cut 3 inch strips and roll into balls for scrubbies to be crocheted.  It can take me about a half of an hour just to cut enough for 2-3 scrubbies.  I like to devote one day for cutting netting and another for the crocheting.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Coffee so far.  It may be a round of blueberry pancakes.  I guess I decide that later.  Maybe some sausage too.

On my reading pile . . .

A 1933 copy of The Earth Turns, by  Gladys Hasty Carroll.  Fun fact.  The book was the 2nd best selling book in 1933.  I obtained it from a library book sale years ago and found it on one of the bookshelves.

On my TV . . .

Comedies on Netflix.  We just need some uplifting movies.

On the menu this week . . .

Ham, roasted brussel sprouts

Tuna and noodle, mashed potatoes, corn

Soup of some kind?  Not sure yet on the rest of the menu

From the camera . . . 

Pretty much sums up my weekend.  The dollar store had scrub brushes that worked perfect to clean up the windows.  

Looking around the house . . .

I have one last box of books ready to donate.  I laughed when I opened a cupboard in the garage the other day.  My husband saved all his college books.  I told him he's next to purge, ha ha!

Oh, and Daughter K still hasn't taken down her Christmas tree she put up in my living room (sigh).  She's working a lot, and strange hours, so it'll come down on her next day off hopefully. 

New recipe I tried or want to try . . .

Muffin recipe I have not had time to try yet.

To relax this week I will . . .

Read, crochet or journal.

Something I want to share . . .

Ideas for revitalizing and energizing yourself

11. Learn about stress

12. Be sensitive to all dimensions of life 

13. Take a course

14. Go to the public library

15. Think about great ideas

(sharing 5 a post, as there are 83)

On my prayer list . . .

Mom.  She wants to get the new vaccine, but has reservations about getting it.  She's had bad allergic reactions to medications in the past that landed her in the hospital.


  1. Daughter also got too-short blinds and, luckily, have had them replaced. Must be the new moon, haha.

  2. Mother Em, that is funny. My husband thought it was hilarious when we pulled them down and had another foot it needed to go, ha ha!

  3. Can't wait to see the new blinds with no strings.
    Hoping the new vaccine works for your mom.
    Isn't it fun when we finally have more space after decluttering and all looks nice! (with new storage bins)
    Last night I told my husband that when I retire I am taking courses ... all kinds of different courses.
    Have a great week

  4. Don't ya just love the random item you find when cleaning? LOL How do you crochet the netting?? Happy Monday!

  5. Looks like you are making amazing progress with your clearing out projects. Pretty storage containers! I need to get to the Dollar Store, been on my list of places for about 3 weeks now but keep getting sidetracked. Hope you stay safe & warm and have a great week!

  6. Praying for your mom! I understand her worries. I like to read and crochet to relax as well. I've never tried crocheting with netting. It is rough on the fingers? I hope you can stop by:


  7. Glad you were able to get the blinds exchanged with no difficultly and that they are looking good. Looking forward to seeing all your hard work. The perfect storage solution found and for such a bargain price. I am so short I always have to have a step available or hubby lol!

  8. Luludou, that's great on taking courses. I'd like to get into a few more handicrafts, but need to locate a class.

  9. Jodi, I take those balls of strips and crochet with a larger hook.

  10. Jean, thank you. My cupboards are 11 inches deep and most storage bins were 12 inches standard. I took a tape measure with me to the store and was so happy I could find something and inexpensive too.

  11. Collettakay, it is a bit tough to crochet the netting. I quit making them until my Mom requested some, then I started getting text messages from other friends of family, and wham I was making them again. The worst part is cutting the netting. It takes forever. You can't just fold it and cut because it's 10 yards of netting.

  12. mamasmercantile, I thought about getting a stool for the kitchen, but thankfully we are all tall. I love the new baskets. I hope daughter can find more for me in the town she works in.

  13. I like to use scrubby sponges for doing dishes, etc. Several years ago I knit up a bunch. I knit about a 4 X 2 rectangle, then switched to the netting and knit the same size, then switched back to the cotton yarn for the same size. Bound it off, then folded the two cotton ends in on top of each other and sewed it all together. Soft cotton pad with a scrubby side for tough stuff. I loved them, but you are right, the netting can be a challenge to work with. Now that I am thinking about them, I may do some again.
    Not sure how I found your blog, but I am enjoying reading it every week.

  14. Thanks Anne. Your scrubbie/cloth sounds interesting too.


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